Thursday, February 20, 2020

How to Use a Blender - Do's and Don'ts

A blender is a kitchen appliance used to mix ingredients or puree food. A blender operates via motor powered blades that rapidly rotate and chop, puree and mix foods. These appliances are an excellent kitchen tool that can save time and energy.

Blender Do's

Do use a continuous blend button or function when making drinks, cocktails, dressings, marinades and other foods and liquids that need mixing.

Do use the pulse button and function when blending foods that only need short bursts of power, like nuts and ice.

Do use the pulse button and function to blend drinks containing ice cubes or frozen fruit.

Do cut food into cubes, between 1 to 2 inches square, to achieve a smooth, even blended result.

Do fill the blender jar only 1/4 to 1/2 full when blending thicker mixtures or purees. This will help the motor and blades work more efficiently.

Do place liquid ingredients in the blender first, and then blend solid ingredients second, when using several different foods and liquids.

Do scrape down the sides of the blender jar with a spatula when blending thick or dry mixtures.

Blender Don'ts

Do not blend heavy mixtures for more than 10 seconds.

Do not run the blender continuously for more than 1 to 2 minutes.

Do not operate the blender unless the jar's lid is securely on top.

Do not place anything into the blender while the motor is running.

Do not use the blender jar as a storage container

Do not remove the blender jar from the base or housing unit while the it is operating. Always make sure the blender is off before removing the jar.

Do not overload your blender with too many ingredients in the jar at one time.

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